
CAPE Chemistry

Chemistry is a branch of science concerned with the properties and interactions of the substances of which matter is composed. This CAPE Chemistry Syllabus provides the specific knowledge base and the skills and attitudes associated with advanced study of the subject. It is structured to ensure that students become aware of their moral, social, and […]

Caribbean Studies

Caribbean Studies is an interdisciplinary field of study that draws on perspectives, largely from the humanities and social sciences to provide an understanding of Caribbean society and cultures. This interdisciplinary subject provides students with the opportunity to study issues relevant to the distinctive physical, political, and socio-economic challenges facing the small states which comprise the […]

CAPE Biology

Biology is the scientific study of living organisms. The study of this subject leads to an understanding and appreciation of the concepts of life at all levels and hence to greater respect and reverence for life. The interconnected web of life and the unique role of the human species are integral to the dynamic value […]


Accounting is the financial information system that provides relevant information to anyone who owns, manages, or uses economic resources or engages in economic activity. The syllabus provides opportunities for students to acquire relevant competencies, attitudes, and values for the work environment and to develop an awareness of the social and ethical responsibilities of accountants and […]

Social Studies

Social Studies contributes to the effective development of the learner by increasing personal and social awareness, and by placing emphasis on values as well as on social and interpersonal relationships. This syllabus seeks to ensure that students develop the necessary skills and at the same time introduces them to the knowledge of social phenomena that […]

Principles of Business

Principles of Business focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of business activities. It provides a framework to assist in more informed decision-making by individuals in their role as producers or consumers. This syllabus provides opportunities for students to develop entrepreneurial and managerial skills necessary to survive and prosper in a local, regional, and global […]

Principles of Accounts

Principles of Accounts is a course of study that provides an introduction to the principles and techniques that accountants employ in measuring, processing, evaluating, and communicating information about the financial performance and position of a business. The course in Principles of Accounts helps students to develop an understanding of a range of theoretical and practical […]

CSEC Physics

Physics is a science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions. It is concerned with systems, laws, models, principles, and theories that explain the physical behavior of our world and the universe. Physics is regarded as a fundamental scientific discipline since all advances in technology can be traced either directly or indirectly to […]

Office Administration

Office Administration is a Business Education subject concerned with the study of administrative principles, policies, procedures, and technological competencies governing the modern office environment. The content and teaching strategies used to reflect current trends in the modern office. The syllabus aims to provide students with knowledge, skills, and attitudes for immediate access to entry-level positions […]


The Mathematics syllabus explains general and unifying concepts that facilitate the study of Mathematics as a coherent subject rather than as a set of unrelated topics. The syllabus seeks to provide for the needs of specific mathematical techniques in the future careers of students, for example, in agriculture and in commercial and technical fields. By […]